Meridian Partners
SEC-Required Report on Routing of Customer Orders
For Quarter Ending DECEMBER 2013
Total Directed% Non-Directed% Limit% Market% Other% Venue Routed% Limit% Market% Other% Compensation for order flow
54 0 100 53.70 46.29 0
JEFF 48.148 86.20 4 0
NYSE 51.85 13.79 96 0
Total Directed% Non-Directed% Limit% Market% Other% Venue Routed% Limit% Market% Other% Compensation for order flow
72986 0 100 3.54 96.39 0.057
GLPS 0.07 0.88 0.04 4.76
JEFF 3.24 91.42 0.0042 0
NYSE 96.65 7.22 99.94 92.85
UBSS 0.024 0.46 0.007 2.38
Total Directed% Non-Directed% Limit% Market% Other% Venue Routed% Limit% Market% Other% Compensation for order flow
5548 0 100 76.47 22.42 1.09
GLPS 8.61 5.30 20.09 4.91
JEFF 71.16 89.37 10.61 39.34
NYSE 15.86 0.84 67.36 9.83
STN 0.50 0 0 45.90
UBSS 3.85 4.47 1.92 0



 Total Number of orders routed to all destinations during the quarter.


 The percentage of total orders from the provider that were non-directed orders.


 The percentage of total orders from the provider that were directed orders.


 The percentage of total non-directed customer orders that were market orders.


 The percentage of total non-directed customer orders that were limit orders.


 The percentage of total non-directed customer orders that were special handling orders and any orders that must
 be executed on a particular tick or bid.


 List of the venues to which non-directed orders were routed for execution


 The percentage of total non-directed orders routed to the venue


 The percentage of total non-directed market orders routed to the venue


 The percentage of total non-directed limit orders routed to the venue


 The percentage of total non-directed other orders routed to the venue. Other orders include special handling
 orders and any orders that must be executed on a particular tick or bid.

 Compensation for order flow

 Rebates, if any, received for routing orders to certain venues


 Archipelago ECN


 Instinet ECN 


 Knight Securities, L.P




 BroadCourt Transaction services


 Prime Floor (NYSE Floor Broker)


 Finance 500


 Preferred Floor (NYSE Floor Broker)


 Interactive Brokers

 TSE  Toronto Stock Exchange
 ISP  ISE (International Securities Exchange)
 PCXOPT  Pacific Coast Exchange (options)
 AFIXNY  Amex floor (NYSE)
 TDATK  Arca
 PCX  Pacific Coast Exchange
 AFIX  Amex floor
 DATK  Arca
 BCAP Barclays Capital
 B-SOR Barclays - Smart Order Router
 CBSX CBOE Stock Exchange
 SIAC NYSE SIAC Connection
 JEFF Jefferies
 EDGX Direct Edge ECN
 VNDM Vandham securities
 VNDS Vandham securities
 MLTS Miletus Trading
 HDSN Hudson Securities
 INCA Instinet
 DOMS Domestic Securities
 CICF Canaccord
 SUSQ Susquehanna Securities
 YKTN Blackmont Capital
 TREK Algorithm Trading