Total |
Total Number of orders routed to all destinations during the quarter.
Directed% |
The percentage of total orders from the provider that were non-directed
Non-Directed% |
The percentage of total orders from the provider that were directed
Market% |
The percentage of total non-directed customer orders that were market
Limit% |
The percentage of total non-directed customer orders that were limit
Other% |
The percentage of total non-directed customer orders that were special
handling orders and any orders that must
be executed on a particular tick or bid.
Venue |
List of the venues to which non-directed orders were routed for execution
Routed% |
The percentage of total non-directed orders routed to the venue
Market% |
The percentage of total non-directed market orders routed to the venue
Limit% |
The percentage of total non-directed limit orders routed to the venue
Other% |
The percentage of total non-directed other orders routed to the venue.
Other orders include special handling
orders and any orders that must be executed on a particular tick or bid.
Compensation for order flow |
Rebates received for routing orders to certain venues – see below for
Archipelago ECN
BNY Convergex